Why Have Registered Red Angus Cattle?
Reds are our choice for beef cattle. Their general docility, adaptability, efficiency, & versatility are what we have come to love.
Having not been raised with cattle lingo as our second language all this data is a little overwhelming. We just have trouble speaking the language. We’d rather pick a bull by his name or handsome face. Turns out there’s room for that too.
However, the information offered to cattle ranchers, owners, buyers & breeders, no matter your purpose, has come a long way to provide information for the future of an operation. On average a cow has one calf a year. It takes nature’s time to ebb & flow with the world’s clock which wants ever changing results yesterday. Registering our herd through the Red Angus Association of America gives us all the data we could want & more.
Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs). progeny means: descendent, offspring or outcome.
We’ve found that taking time to understand the EPDs is helping us grow our herd which has minimal extremes. We take advantage of technology to increase the value of our potential progeny one calf crop at a time, free from generic defects & with projected outcomes we can count on.
EPD information is always evolving. The data is pulled from both genetic information, collected from blood or hair samples, submitted by members & from phenotype information collected & submitted by members. Environment plays a huge roll in the outcome of cattle. Don’t just look at what’s on the pedigree.
Observable characteristics of each animal’s interaction with its environment come together with genotype to create phenotypical traits.
Wean weight data based on whether a calf had access to creep feed or not, animal confirmation, hoof scores, udder scores, a sound back, large or small head, coloring, behavior, feed efficiency, carcass data are a few examples of phenotype traits.
This information is important for large & small operations. Career cattlemen & hobby farms. Use this data to be more efficient in a large feeding operation & with that acre of Summer grass you want to raise a steer on.
Whether it’s a female you want in your herd for 15 years or a feeder you’ll have for 12 months. You can use this information to find cattle that optimize the results you desire.
Eatonville, Washington