Our Females

Our Girls

Red Angus females are an asset to any farm or ranch. Their docility makes them a pleasure to walk the pasture with. Red Angus females can live & produce a calf upwards of 12-15 years. You’ll find them feed efficient & easy fleshing. Adaptability is a quality that makes Reds a success in any country. Red Angus females mature faster giving you one more calf than other breeds.

Red Angus females are highly recognized & according to Superior Livestock data command a higher price at sale than other breeds.

We are extremely proud of our girls. Registering our cows allows us to provide proof of past & expected future genetics. Watching & working the herd allows us to observe the phenotypical traits.

We always have something for sale. Please contact us & we’ll take the time to understand how best we can serve you.


Eatonville, Washington

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